安東·奧考德(Antón Alcalde)西·遊記II-朝聖之路 ¡Spain!-Camino de Santiago音樂會介紹

Hi 大家好,我的名字是安東·奧考德(Antón Alcalde),是一位過去三年旅居台灣,以台灣為創作基地的西班牙作曲家。

我的作品《世界的盡頭》(Caminõs da Fin da Terra)是一首於2011年,我只有17歲時,為交響管樂團創作的曲目,這首作品贏得了第四屆加利西亞管樂作曲比賽首獎,也成為了第六屆加利西亞管樂比賽(Certame Galego de Bandas de Música)指定曲,《世界的盡頭》是一首基於兩首加利西亞民謠旋律與一段原創主題旋律的交響變容,這些旋律主題在整首曲子中從頭到尾不斷地演化,就如同踏上朝聖之路(Camiño de Santiago,聖地牙哥之路,也就是英文中的聖詹姆士之路)的朝聖者們在朝聖的旅程中的轉變。

音樂會中演奏的曲目由中場休息分割為上、下半場兩個部分,上半場代表了「法國之路」,這是眾多以神聖、傳統古法的心情朝聖聖雅各的眾多朝聖路徑之一,「法國之路」由德利伯的芭蕾《柯碧莉亞》選曲開始,緊接著由我改編的拉威爾的《神仙花園》 選自《鵝媽媽組曲》,這兩首曲子都是二十世紀法國音樂的精華。上半場由布羅斯的《致命一擊》結尾,是一首與西班牙式「匈牙利燉牛肉」(Goulash)*同樣風味的曲子。



下半場以赫斯凱的《舞曲》開始,以阿佛列德·里德為管樂團美妙改編艾爾加的《寧錄》選自《謎之變奏曲》接續,這兩首曲子就如同上半場的鏡射**一般,代表二十世紀英國音樂的精華。音樂會的最後一首曲目則是我創作的《世界的盡頭》,如同透過這些最具代表性的音樂完成了一趟到達朝聖之路終點-聖地牙哥·德·孔波斯特拉大教堂(Catedral de Santiago de Compostela)的音樂旅程。



Hi everyone, my name is Antón Alcalde and I’m a Spanish composer based on Taiwan since the last 3 years.

About my piece “Camiños da Fin da Terra”, is a work for symphonic wind orchestra written in 2011, when I was just 17. This piece won the 1st Prize on the “IV Galician Composition Contest for Wind Orchestras” and also was the test piece on the “VI Galician Competition of Wind Orchestras”. Camiños da Fin da Terra is set in the way of symphonic metamorphosis on two Galician folk tunes plus one original theme. These themes are in constant evolution from the beginning to the end, in the same metaphorical way like the “transformation” of the pilgrims after the pilgrimage throughout the “Camiño de Santiago” (aka The St James Ways).

The pieces selected for this program are divided in two sections, with an intermission. The first section represents the “French Road”, that is one of the multiple roads to approach Santiago in its most holy / ancient moods. The French Road starts with a Suite from the ballet “Coppelia” by Delibes and follows with my arrangement of “Le Jardin Féerique” from “Ma Mere l’oye” by Ravel. These both pieces are a nice exponent of the French music from the XX Century. The first section ends with a piece called “El golpe fatal” by Brossé; what’s a kinda flavored Spanish “goulash”.

Second section starts with “Danceries” by Hesketh and follows with “Nimrod” from the “Enigma Variations” by Elgar, wonderfully arranged for concert band by Alfred Reed. These both pieces represent the English music of the XX Century in the same way (mirror-like) the first section. The last piece of the program gonna be my “Camiños da Fin da Terra”, completing this “musical journey” to Santiago throughout its most representative music.

Hope you find it interesting and is a huge pleasure for me to invite you all to listen us. See you in the concerto!


發表者:邱浩瑋 vvhitewhale



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